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Ginger Biscuit Recipe

In the Knights of Kilbourne tales, Morgan loves his ginger biscuits. As part of the Champagne Book Group Live chat today, we're sharing recipes, and here's my old family recipe for ginger biscuits.

Ginger Biscuits

Heat oven to 350°

Sift together:

2 cups flour

1 tsp ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp cloves

3 tbsp baking soda

1 cup sugar

1 egg, slightly beaten

1/3 cup molasses

¾ cup shortening or butter

In a large mixing bowl, cream together shortening/butter and sugar

Add in egg and molasses and beat until smooth

Add dry ingredients a bit at a time.

Chill dough for at least ½ hour. While dough is chilling, have a large mug of cocoa. Prepare two small bowls with sugar (I use red, green, and white sugars mixed). One will be to roll the dough balls in, the other is to coat the bottom of a buttered glass.

Once dough is chilled, roll dough into small balls. If you want giant cookies, make them about an inch or a bit larger.

Roll gently in sugar to coat. Place on cookie sheet, at least 2 inches apart (they spread). Dip the bottom of the buttered glass in sugar to coat a bit, and then gently press down the dough balls slightly. You don’t need to flatten them, just squish ‘em a bit.

Bake for about 8 minutes (time depends both on your oven, and how crispy you like them).

These freeze well. They also are fabulous as the basis for an ice cream sandwich, with vanilla or eggnog ice cream between.



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